Master Your



Rita Castanhito is a qualified nutritionist in Scotland who empowers people to reclaim their zest for life through the power of plants.


A Beginner's Guide to SOS Free Cooking

Are you…

Struggling to start or maintain a healthy plant-based lifestyle?

Interested in a wholefood diet, but aren’t sure who to trust for information on nutrition?

In need of someone who will motivate you to resist your cravings and lose weight for good?

It’s time to make a change.

The Plant-Based Nutritionist

Hi, I’m Rita Castanhito.

I’m a qualified nutritionist in Scotland who empowers people to reclaim their zest for life through the power of plants.

I had weight, health, and confidence issues for years. Everything changed when I discovered plant-based living. I lost over 40 pounds (18kg), overcame my personal challenges, and shifted my whole mindset. And I would love to help you do the same thing.

I know the struggles of maintaining a plant-based lifestyle. Let me use my expertise and experience to guide you to create permanent and sustainable change.

Let’s work together and I will help you transform your relationship with food – and yourself.

Commit to the Plant-Powered Revolution

We all know about the health benefits of eating delicious and nutritious plant-based meals.
But plant-based living is so much more than that. This lifestyle will empower you to:

Perhaps you have tried other diets before like keto, paleo and low-carb, but have not managed to stay consistent or make sustainable improvements. You need someone to hold your hand and guide you each step of the way.

Let’s work together to find your recipe for success.

1-2-1 Coaching, Tailored to YOU.

Your health is an investment – and it will be the best one you ever make.

Everyone is different and has individual barriers to overcome. Your coaching programme is designed with your specific needs in mind.

Each programme starts with a 90-minute call. This helps me learn all about what makes you, you. We will cover factors such as your medical and family history, lifestyle, and stress. Anything that could be holding you back from your goals.

Your hurdles could be financial, environmental, or social. We will talk about it all so that the advice I give is unique to what you need!

A typical session can include:

  • Food diary analysis
  • Health coaching to support a new mindset with new habits
  • Drug nutrient interaction (covering current medication and supplements)
  • Health Home sessions (pantry clean-up, meal prep and cooking education)
  • Recommendations on functional testing and interpretation (if applicable)

I will educate you to make small, lifelong changes and give you all the information you need to succeed. The nutritious, wholesome recipes you learn work around your life – not the other way around.


Each programme takes place online and lasts 10 weeks.


For plant-based pros who
need some nutritional guidance.
£ 270
  • Initial Consultation
  • Two 45-minute check-in calls
  • Email and message support between consultations


For plant-based newbies,
who need to learn the ropes.
£ 410
  • Initial Consultation
  • Fortnightly 45-minute check-in calls
  • Email and message support between consultations


For people who want to use plant power
to hit their target weight.
£ 740
  • Initial Consultation
  • Weekly 45-minute check-in calls
  • Email and message support between consultations

Ready to master your plant-based lifestyle?


Lovely Clients

Amazing testimonial about your services.  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Amazing testimonial about your services.  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Amazing testimonial about your services.  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Frequently Asked Questions

No, because veganism is a lifestyle and plant based is a diet. I promote a whole food plant based diet with no eggs, dairy or meat.

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Connect With Others (and Rita)

Following a plant-based diet can be a really huge task for most people. If you struggling to get around all of the social media misinformation, making sure your meals are balanced and fulfilling or you are struggling to lose weight in a plant-based diet, then this group is for you.

Here you can connect with like minded people and find healthy simple recipes and lifestyle advice that will help you to change your body and have a more plant positive mindset.